Staff Pick: ThermiVA®

When I’m asked what my favorite procedure in the office is, I have a hard time answering because I have so many. As far as treatments I like to have personally, it has to be a tie between Ultherapy and Botox. I suffer from TMJ and something commonly known as “resting b**** face”. Botox has helped tremendously with both. Ultherapy has been great for helping me age more gracefully.

When it comes to my favorite procedures for patients, CoolSculpting has always been top of the list. I’ve recently added another procedure to the #1 slot and it’s called ThermiVA®.

I spend most of my day helping patients get rid of excess fat, cellulite and loose skin. I love what I do, and I really enjoy my patients. I get to spend my days with interesting, funny, wise, thoughtful and intelligent people. So naturally when we decided to add ThermiVA® vaginal rejuvenation to our treatment menu I tested the waters by mentioning it to a few of my favorite female patients. These are savvy women and I wanted to see what their thoughts would be. There was a fair amount of curiosity and intrigue. What could it do? How effective would it be? Is it uncomfortable to have done? How soon after treatment can you have sex, and will he be able to tell? And I think the most common question was this: Why would I do ThermiVA®?

Very simply put, ThermiVA® uses radio frequency to create heat that strengthens and tightens your vagina. It contracts the tissue on the outside giving it a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Patients report enhanced sensation and lubrication after treatment. In the patients I have treated, I’ve received post procedure feedback including:

  • My husband says it feels so much tighter, more like it did before our 3 kids.
  •  I have not had to use lubricant to have sex since my first ThermiVA® treatment.
  • My post menopausal vaginal dryness was terrible and I have seen a huge improvement.
  • My bladder control is better. I no longer leak when I sneeze or cough!
  • Sex feels better than it has in years. It is easier for me to orgasm and everything feels more sensitive

Aside from the physical results patients have shared, I have had my female patients tell me that ThermiVA® has helped them feel sexier and more confident. It’s increased their sex drive because the sex is more pleasurable. I like to say “it helps you to up your lady game.”

To find out more about ThermiVA®, or to schedule a consultation, contact us.


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