Xeomin® at Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar

Xeomin®, Botox® and Dysport™️ are all wrinkle reducers  commonly used to reduce expression lines and wrinkles.  

For some patients, Botox® and Xeomin® may be used interchangeably. For others there may be a preference for one over the other.  Some patients report experiencing a  quicker onset with Xeomin®. You may notice a decrease in muscle activity in about 2-3 days, with full effect in 7 days. Other patients report a  “lighter feeling” when having treatment in their brow than when having Dysport™️. 


Xeomin® is a “naked injectable,” meaning that it does not contain any additives. A benefit of a pure-form injectable is that the human body is less likely to become resistant to it. It is possible to develop antibodies to Botox® and Dysport™️ over time, causing them to become less effective or to have shorter duration. 

 Neither Xeomin®, Botox® nor Dysport™️ are permanent treatments, They are temporary, and eventually the muscle activity will return. With treatments 2-3 times a year you will be able slow down the progression of expression lines and wrinkles, to help you maintain a more well rested, relaxed and more youthful appearance. 

To learn more, or to schedule your Xeomin® treatment, contact our office.

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