Staff Pick: Perfect “Del Mar” Peel

Staff Member: Lita

Procedure: Perfect “Del Mar” Peel 

I  have a few “favorites” when it comes to procedures. Today,  I  thought I  would tell you about my “new” favorite procedure. The Perfect “Del Mar” Peel. This is a light to moderate chemical peel that can be applied in different strengths, according to your skin condition and the degree of improvement you are looking for. 

It is a very potent and result oriented peel, yet it is mild with a comfortable recovery. My skin looked great right after. I felt a little dry the next day, followed by 3-4 days of moderate peeling. I  applied A LOT of moisturizer and Sunscreen and that was enough to control the fine, white sheets of skin that sloughed off. 

The Perfect “Del Mar” Peel made my skin softer and smoother. My pores were smaller and over all my skin looked brighter and healthier. I  have done two of them, a couple months apart and the results were just as good the second time. I  did the medium strength peel and I’ve recommended the same one to patients  combating acne and hyperpigmentation. They’ve loved their results too! 

If you want your skin to look bright and beautiful come to our office and have a Perfect “Del Mar” Peel with our office. 

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