Fall is Here!

Can you believe summer is over ? Fall is here and the holidays are right around the corner. If you are anything like me you are looking forward to all the festivities that define the holiday season.

October is when I switch up my skin care regimen. The air starts to get cooler and drier, and your skin can easily become dehydrated. I step up my moisturizer to one that is more nourishing, such as SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair. I also add an alcohol free toner for a bit more hydration. Rejuvenative Toner is the best for dry weather I have found. This helps keep my skin looking moist and healthy.


This is also the time I visit my dermatologist for a full body skin exam. After a summer of beach activities and sun I want to make sure we address any new or changing spots on my face or body. While I am there we can also start in-office maintenance treatments to get my skin back in shape.

Fall is Fraxel time! Every September or October I end summer with a Fraxel Dual treatment on my face, neck and chest. This takes away the summer damage and helps minimize any lines and wrinkles I’ve acquired over the summer. I also have my annual Alexlazr for the brown spots on my body. My arms, legs and shoulders are always speckled at the end of summer. The Alexlazr breaks up those unwanted brown spots and leaves my skin looking brighter and fresher.

                       Sculptra Before & After

After my skin is freshly lasered and hydrated, I start my party prep with a little smoothing and plumping. Sculptra is a mainstay in my beauty regimen. I have 1-2 vials a year to maintain volume and to give me more youthful facial shape. Dr. Atkin knows just where it needs to go to give me the result I am looking for. Next, a tiny bit of Juvederm Volbella for defining my lips and a little Botox to smooth out crows feet and frown lines and I am ready for those holiday parties!

Do you need help with your End of Summer / Holiday Prep plan? Contact us for more information.

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