Reduce “Lifestyle-Resistant” Fat with UltraShape®

shutterstock_83615332In the battle of the bulge you can never have too many weapons in your arsenal. For most, sensible eating, meal planning, and regular exercise can produce the desired effects. Unfortunately, for women and men alike, no amount of diet and exercise will completely rid them of what has become known as “lifestyle-resistant fat.” These are bulges that appear under your bra line and/or collect on your inner thighs and waistline—think love handles, saddlebags, and muffin tops. Some of this excess fat may be the result of hormonal changes as we age, heredity, weight gain during pregnancy, or sedentary lifestyles. Even if you exercise on the weekends, sitting behind a desk all day can take its toll!

Fortunately, advances in medical technology have brought us a few great solutions for treating this lifestyle-resistant fat. UltraShape®, for one, is fast becoming a sought after treatment options, and it’s available from our experienced dermatologist, Dr. Deborah H. Atkin.

UltraShape® uses non-thermal ultrasound to destroy fat cells. The vibration (or friction) created by these ultrasound waves produce microscopic tears in the fat cell membrane walls, allowing lipids to leak out. Once the cell wall is breached, the fat cells start to breakdown and are metabolized by the body. In some instances your body burns these fat cells for energy, in others you will simply excrete them naturally. By decreasing the fat cells in the treatment area we are able to shape it, giving you a slimmer, more contoured physique.

UltraShape® can help to deliver the contour patients want, deserve, and desire. Because of its ability to selectively target fat without discomfort, it has quickly become one of the more popular body contouring treatments in the aesthetic marketplace. With patients reporting a loss of up to 2 inches around the waistline, UltraShape® has the power to deliver the results you’ve been looking for.

For more information about UltraShape®, or to schedule your complimentary consultation, contact Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar online or at (858)350-7546.

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