Smoothbeam / Vbeam laser for acne

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. It affects patients of all ages. If your acne goes untreated dark spots and scars can appear on the skin as acne clears. According to the AAD, eighty percent of acne patients develop acne scarring.
 VBEAM laser is a quick, comfortable, non-invasive treatment that reduces redness associated with acne lesions and scars. It can also be instrumental in reducing acne scarring.
Smoothbeam is the first laser to be FDA approved for the treatment of active acne and acne scars.Smoothbeam is effective in reducing active acne by decreasing the activity of your oil glands. By decreasing the amount of oil your skin secretes, less p. acnes bacteria forms and you will see a decrease in acne breakouts.Smoothbeam is also used to combat acne scars by stimulating new collagen. By triggering the production of new collagen, acne scars are able to remodel “from the inside out” with the new collagen forming at the base.
SmoothBeam is non-invasive, no downtime laser. Most patients return to normal activities immediately after treatment.

Actual Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar patient – before and after Smoothbeam treatment for acne

Smoothbeam and VBeam lasers are often used as combination therapy to create an overall better result. Both of these lasers may be used anywhere on the body – especially the face, neck, chest and back where acne and acne scarring are most common.

A series of two to four laser treatments, at three to four week intervals may be recommended for those with active acne breakouts and/or acne scarring.

Rosacea, another common skin condition that occurs in a large percentage of the population. Rosacea can present as a red, inflamed pustular acne breakout. Telangectasias (broken blood vessels) can develop and lead to chronic flushing. Rosacea is another condition that benefits greatly from VBeam / Smoothbeam treatment.

For more information about laser treatments for acne and acne scarring or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Atkin, please contact us
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