Acne Treatments Just in Time for School Photos

Safe, Effective Acne Treatment as an Alternate to Antibiotics

Summer is almost over and students are ready to begin the school year. With school pictures ahead, your skin needs to look its very best.

Most acne treatments can take months to improve your skin, but fortunately Dermatology and Laser of Del Mar has an alternative treatment option to improve active acne lesions and acne scarring just in time for school.

Smooth Beam and V Beam combination laser treatments safely treat acne on the face, neck, chest and back. This is the only laser clinically proven to target acne and effectively shrink sebaceous glands. The procedure reduces acne and acne scarring, decreases redness and stimulates collagen productions. There is no downtime with this affordable, highly effective and safe procedure. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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