And the survey says!!!!!

We recently asked our readers for comments on what information and articles they would like to see on our blog. The response from both our established patients and those new to our practice and website was overwhelming.

30% of those responding to the survey said they would like to see more product and cosmeceutical news and information.

35% asked for more information on preventive measures for their skin conditions.

47% thought that medical or health related news and articles would be helpful.

42% want to see case studies. Many of these people thought a patient spotlight, highlighting what other patients like to use and what treatments they benefit from, would keep them coming back for more!

Lastly, a whopping 65% want to know more about new and innovative laser procedures.

Many of these people had excellent suggestions for future promotions. All I can say is ask and you shall receive!

Here are just a few of the comments we received;

“ I would love to know what the celebrities are doing- and if the same treatments are available for me” – P.J. Yuma, AZ

“ I have been a patient of Dr. Atkin’s since 2001 and she treats my whole family. I have just had my third MOHS procedure for squamous cell skin cancer. I am now good about sun protection, but the damage has been done. What can I do to try to reverse the damage I have” -Linda H. Del Mar, CA

“ I love hearing what other people like to do for cosmetic treatments. Entries highlighting what other women like would be great.” -Diane P. La Jolla, CA

“ I am an admitted laser junkie and my skin looks great. Keep me in the loop about new treatments! Thanks Dr. Atkin for making gorgeous at 44!” Michelle P. San Diego

“ What would be the best vitamins and supplements for me to take for my skin, hair and nails? There are so many on the market it gets confusing.”– Karen H., San Diego, CA

“ I would like to see more medical based information. Articles about prevention are always   welcome reading. I am not so interested in the cosmetic aspect of things.” Robert D. Anchorage, AK

“ I would love it if you could do a class Fillers 101. There are so many out there it’s hard to figure out what to use and what is best for me” Patricia, Del Mar, CA

“ As a frustrated doctor and student of life I have always found case studies and articles about interesting diseases good reading” Jim P. – Orlando Florida

On behalf of Deborah H. Atkin, M.D., M.D. and the staff of Dermatology & laser of Del Mar, I would like to extend a warm “thank you” for your time and interest in her practice. Stay tuned for more!


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