What Is the Difference Between Restylane® and Restylane® Silk?

lips-smileWith the impressive array of dermal fillers now available, including JUVÉDERM®, Perlane®, Radiesse®, and others, you can be forgiven for feeling confused about what each product does, especially when the manufacturers often make more than one type of formula. This is particularly true with Restylane® and the company’s latest cosmetic injectable, Restylane® Silk. Not only are the names similar, but they are also both comprised of hyaluronic acid. So what are the differences between these two popular products? Our experienced dermatologist, Deborah H. Atkin, MD, clarifies the similarities and differences between the compositions to help you determine which one can best achieve your cosmetic goals

Restylane® and Restylane® Silk are both composed of a hyaluronic acid-based formula, which is a substance naturally produced by the body. As a result allergy testing typically won’t be necessary, and the results for both dermal fillers will last up to a year, with individual experience varying. Both treatments can be administered quickly, usually within 20-30 minutes, and both include a local anesthetic to enhance your comfort during the procedure. Additionally, downtime for both products usually will be minimal, with some mild redness, bruising, and swelling in the injected area.

The main difference between Restylane® and Restylane® Silk is the purpose. The original formula is designed to diminish signs of aging around the mouth and eyes and to add volume to the cheeks. Restylane® Silk, however, is intended to enhance the shape and volume of the lips and minimize fine lines above the mouth, often referred to as smoker’s lines. Original Restylane® can be used to enhance lip volume, but Restylane® Silk is FDA-approved for this purpose, and the unique particle gel composition typically provides the most natural looking and smoothest results possible.

If you have additional questions about what makes Restylane® Silk distinctive from other dermal fillers, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Atkin, please contact our office today.

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