Smoothbeam / VBeam : The Dynamic Treatment Duo FAQ’s

Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar is one of the few dermatology practices in Southern California to offer the “dynamic treatment duo” of Smoothbeam & VBeam Perfecta Laser. It’s long been a patient favorite, producing great results for those looking to treat a wide variety of skin issues.

Smoothbeam was originally marketed as a collagen laser, used to treat fine lines and wrinkles. It emits a wavelength of laser energy that is attracted to water, and our skin is largely made up of water. Once it absorbs into the skin it creates heat that triggers collagen stimulation. This is perfect for treating fine lines and wrinkles, reducing pore size and minimizing acne scars.

Before and after smothbeam treatment for acne

Other popular benefits of Smoothbeam laser include:

* reduction of sebaceous gland hyperplasia (enlarged oil glands)
* reduction and management of active acne. In many cases patients will see a dramatic reduction in their acne after only 2-3 treatments.

VBeam Perfecta laser, the second part of the dynamic treatment duo, is a long pulsed dye laser that decreases facial redness, and telangectasias (small facial veins). It is our treatment of choice for:
* rosacea
* scarring
* poikiloderma
* inflammatory acne.

Before & after VBeam for broken blood vessels


Here are some of the most common questions patients ask during their Smoothbeam / VBeam laser consultation:

Will I see an immediate difference?

You will see a change in your skin after about a week. The redness will initially get darker, more pronounced, and you may experience light, transient swelling.
The results of Smoothbeam / VBeam are additive, so after each treatment you will experience more and more improvement.

How many treatments will I need?

Smoothbeam / VBeam is usually performed in a series of 3-4 treatments at 3-4 week intervals. The number you need will largely depend on your skins condition. If you have more serious, inflammatory acne or more vascularity, we may suggest more treatment. Those will less serious skin issues may see enough improvement after 1-2 treatments.

Does Smoothbeam / Vbeam hurt?

There is a stinging sensation during the treatment. Many patients liken it to the feeling of being snapped with a very small rubber band. We recommend applying a topical numbing cream to the treatment area 30 minutes before your appointment. It’s important your skin be clean and dry to apply the topical in order to feel the benefits.

Are these treatments safe?

Both devices are FDA approved for use and have a long and excellent safety profile. In our Del Mar dermatology practice they are performed by Deborah H. Atkin, MD, board certified dermatologist. She has over 20 years of laser expertise behind her and your comfort and safety are her priority.

Can I use my regular products when I am having treatment?

We generally recommend you wash with a mild cleanser and use a mild lotion the night of your treatment. You can then resume your normal skin care regimen the next day.

Can I do Smoothbeam /VBeam when I am on Accutane?

No. You will need to wait until you have completed your accurate treatment program and have had your final one month check up after. The doctor may recommend waiting an additional period of time.

Can I do other lasers at the same time I am doing Smoothbeam / VBeam?

Yes! We frequently use others laser along with the dynamic treatment duo for other skin issues such as pre-skin cancers and brown sun damage

How do I schedule my appointment?

Contact our office for a consultation with Dr. Atkin. We can often perform the treatment the same day as your consultation, provided you have the time and are a good candidate.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment at Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar, contact us.

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